Abdou Ben Tayeb - Andah Ayachifar. From the first week in the academy, his star rose to fame. Hassan X Souf - Wili Wili vues. Ihab Amir - Hbibi Hjarni Wrah. Ces jeunes, après une virée en forêt ont décidé de rendre hommage à la nouvelle cible des réseaux sociaux en reprenant de manière encore plus caricaturale son témoignage désespéré.
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Cheba Sabah - Kirah M3ayini vues. Ihab Amir - Celibataire. Imad Benaomar - Mchicha Music Marocain. Moroccans now have their own Justin Bieber, his name is Ihab Amir He is a handsome 21 years old young man with a captivating smile and a great voice. Zakaria Ghafouli - Bahra Bahra.

Paroles de : Ihab Amir - FR

Retour sur un bad buzz retentissant. Autre vidéo, autre genre musical. La chaîne Youtube Khab a sorti un remix très dansant où elle reprend la déclaration agitée de la jeune femme en la mêlant à de la musique électronique.

Ces jeunes, après une virée en forêt ont décidé de rendre hommage à la nouvelle cible des réseaux sociaux en reprenant de manière encore plus caricaturale son témoignage désespéré.

A tour de rôle, ils reprennent le monologue en détresse de la fan numéro 1 du candidat de la Star Academy. Une bditti qui vaut le détour. Un moment surréaliste, où il est poursuivi, et presque molesté par des jeunes filles qui pleurent en hurlant son nom….

ihab amir nta li bditi

Ils vont le tuer le pauvre. Parmi elles, ihba un remix version danceou encore une vidéo de 9 joyeux lurons qui reprennent le cri devenu désormais célèbre dans un … hammam! Un buzz qui a servi la cause du fameux Ihab, qui a depuis foulé les plateaux TV et radios de plusieurs chaines marocaines.

De quoi raviver les ardeurs de ses fans hystériques. Ladies and gentleman, nous avons trouvé notre Justin Bieber local. Sans donner toutefois de précisions sur le titre et le pitch de la série, il publie une photo, sur son compte Instagram, où on le voit en tournage, en compagnie des acteurs Abdellah Ferkous, Fatima Bouhmala, Abdelkhalek Fahid et du musicien Saïd Mouskir.

He is a handsome 21 years old young man with a captivating smile and a il voice. Native of the Moroccan capital of pottery Safi city, Ihab is a talented songwriter, composer and guitarist.

One day he took advantage of a visit to some relatives in the city of Casablanca and tried his luck in the casting ihba the Arab reality show Star Academy for its 11th season. From the first week in bdiyi academy, his star rose to fame.

ihab amir nta li bditi

Despite the difficulties in communicating with the other participants, Ihab stayed true to his culture and dialect. His cool personality and sense of humor earned him the respect of his peers and a wide popularity all over the Arab world.

His elimination from lk competition in the prime 12 created a huge controversy and was widely argued in the social media especially that he was never nominated by any of the teachers prior to his suspicious exit from the academy.

Back to his homeland, his fans gathered by hundreds and reserved him a royal welcome.

IHAB AMIR Nta Li Bditi - Vidéo dailymotion

His fans hysteria at the airport took our memory back in time a few years ago at the Roosevelt field mall in Long Island New York, to the stampede bditu by a young Justin Bieber fans.

The buzz around Ihab made the month wintry January a summer of funny parodies Ihaaaaaab, and a Moroccan super star was born.

The press and most of the prominent artists in the country are extending their wings to him to support his talent amif humbleness. Ihab Amir had written and composed himself 2 songs prior to the Academy; they became hit songs on youtube and have been played in many Arab radio stations. One of them nta li bditi is about to reach 20 million views and the 2nd one t3ali lia has reached 7 millions. His 3rd song celibataire is coming up soon in a video clip.

Skip to content Home About Contact. Une star est née Un buzz qui a servi la cause du fameux Ihab, qui a depuis foulé les plateaux TV et radios de plusieurs chaines marocaines.

Ihab Amir : Nta Li Bditi

Moroccans now have their own Justin Bieber, his name is Ihab Amir He is a handsome 21 years old young man with a captivating smile and a great voice. His 3rd song celibataire is coming up soon in a video clip H. This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To find out ijab, including how to control cookies, see here:


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